Angela Russo, PHD
Research Associate Professor
Angela got her PHD from UNC Chapel Hill and was a postdoc at UIC in Pharmacology. She is working on molecular mechanisms of ovarian tumor formation using organ-on-chip technologies.
Diandra Taylor, PHD
postdoctoral fellow
Diandra got her PHD from UIC with Dr. Freitag. She is a K12 IRACDA fellow training in both research and teaching. Her focus is on imaging metabolites at the ovarian tumor interface and cancer and microbiology.
Didi Zha
PHD graduate student
Didi got her M.S. at Northwestern in Bioengineering before joining the PSCI program in 2020. She is working on endocrine disrupting compounds and extracellular vesicles.
Jane Miglo
PHARMD/PHD student
Jane received her B.S. from Johns Hopkins. She is working developing ovarian cancer on a chip and the role of ovulation on cancer progression. She was awarded an AFPE scholarship.
Jaramys Mosley
PHD graduate student
Jaramys received her MS from U. of Michigan and her BS from U. of Detroit-Mercy. She is a Pipeline to an Inclusive Faculty fellow. She is currently working on metabolomics of ovarian cancers as they spread.
Amrita Salvi, PHD
Research Assistant Professor
Amrita got her BS and MS from U. of Mumbai and her PHD from Nanyang Technological University. She is working on PAX8 and generating novel organoids.
Elizabeth Kaweesa, PHD
postdoctoral fellow
Elizabeth got her PHD from the University of Florida. She was a K12 IRACDA fellow and obtained a K99/00. She is working on numerous natural products such as DDR, verticillins, and more!
Dan Lantvit
research specialist
Dan has worked with the lab for over fifteen years helping us with imaging, treating, and studying ovarian cancer in mouse models. He is an amazing teacher for all including the PI!
Manead Khin
PHD graduate student
Manead received her B.S. from UNC Greensboro before joining the PSCI graduate program in 2020. She is working on natural product drug discovery and recently received the AAUW award as well as being a University Fellow.
Joohyun Im
PHD graduate student
Joohyun got her MS from National University of Singapore . She is currently working on PAX8 in high grade serous tumors and received the Provost graduate research award.
Monica Haughan
PHD graduate student
Monica earned her B.S. at Purdue and was previously a SURF scholar in our UIC program. She is working on imaging omental metastasis and new therapies for ovarian cancer.
Rasha Bashatwah
PHD graduate student
Rasha obtained her MS at U. of Jordan and her BS at the Jordan University of Science and Technology. She is working on progesterone-like compounds from botanical dietary supplements.